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Bank of Baroda 50 years of presence in Mauritius

Bank of Baroda 50 years of presence in Mauritius | business-magazine.mu

S. K. Chawla (centre) with R. Bheenick and Arvin Boolell on the opening of the Rose Belle branch on 25 July 2012.

The Bank of Baroda celebrates this year its 50 years of operation in Mauritius. It was launched here in October 1962 and the institution had been the first to operate as soon as in 1965, a mobile banking unit, a van that still up to now travels around 45 villages throughout the island, covering a population of around 90,000 so as to make banking services available to unbanked rural areas.

The Bank of Baroda has also been among the first to launch a banking unit in the Mauritian offshore sector.

At the end of last month, it has extended its network and opened an eighth branch at Rose Belle. In addition to the corporate market, it targets farmers, traders, SMEs as well as service providers, with a focus on dedicated and personalized banking services to build customer loyalty while caring for their individual financial needs.

This branch not only strengthens the closeness of the bank with its customers but also enables the bank to tap commercial opportunities arising from the transformation of Rose Belle into an emerging business centre,” stated S.K. Chawla, vice-President of the Bank of Baroda in Mauritius.

Bank of Baroda differentiates itself today as a global bank, present in 25 countries and has served to build bonds between the residents here and their families, friends and commercial partners in India and other countries.

Our loans are tailor-made according to the field of activity of our customers since the financial needs of every customer are different. The accounts and deposits can be maintained in Mauritian rupees as well as in foreign currencies”.


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