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Industrie locale

The Directory of the Local Industry : VIVALO LTÉE


Director : Ramburn Beeknoo

VIVALO Ltée is the offi cial bottler and manufacturer of Eau Vive brand water. The company has been incorporated and in operation since 2002 and is a registered SME.

The company has been supplying bottles and jars of water across the country. Although it is an SME, Vivalo Ltée has been collaborating primarily with government departments by supplying water jars for many years. The business also intends to introduce soft drinks in the future.

The firm has a small workforce of 25 hardworking people. The competition is very fierce in this sector, but the business is working very hard to survive.

The director, Ramburn Beeknoo had a vision to enter the industry of bottled water and have his own factory that would be a family business. Despite many hurdles, the director succeeded in fulfilling his vision and his brand ‘Eau Vive’ is now well known in the market.

The Made in Moris certifi cation has helped SMEs in terms of having a 40% margin of preference. Hence, this label is a pride for Vivalo Ltée.

Norms & Standards & labels: Made in Moris

List of products ‘Made in Moris’: Eau Vive water jars and bottled water

Vivalo Ltée

Phone: 452 2529

Email: indivar.vivalo@nullgmail.com / yash.vivalo@nullgmail.com


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